Wednesday, 23 April 2014

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Tattoo | Man wants neck <b>tattoo</b> that says &#39;murder&#39; removed before trial | PIX 11

Man wants neck <b>tattoo</b> that says &#39;murder&#39; removed before trial | PIX 11

Posted: 22 Apr 2014 05:08 PM PDT


Chapman's lawyer believes his "murder" neck tattoo will bias a jury.

WICHITA, Kan. (PIX11) – A man facing murder charges wants his large neck tattoo that reads "MURDER" to be removed before his trial.

Jeffrey Wade Chapman is on trial for the Nov. 2011 murder of a man whose body was found in a ditch by the woods in Great Bend, Kansas.

The tattoo is written in a mirror image.

Chapman's lawyers are requesting a tattoo artist not only remove the neck tattoo while the defendant is in jail, but that the tattoo isn't even mentioned at the trial.

"Mr. Chapman's tattoos are not relevant to any material facts and Mr. Chapman asks for the court to exclude any mention of his tattoos at trial and further to be allowed to cover them up in an appropriate manner," the man's lawyer said.

Chapman's laywer also wants the trial moved to a different county.

"The fact that he has 'Murder' tattooed across his neck is irrelevant to the State's case and extremely prejudicial to Mr. Chapman if introduced at trial or observed by the jury," the lawyer added.

Kansas man seeks to hide &#39;murder&#39; <b>tattoo</b> before his murder trial <b>...</b>

Posted: 22 Apr 2014 01:55 PM PDT


The Kansas City Star

Updated: 2014-04-22T20:59:09Z

The Associated Press

— A Kansas man charged with first-degree murder is afraid the tattooed mirror-image letters spelling out the word "murder" across his neck might prejudice a jury, so he is asking for a professional tattoo artist to remove or cover it up.

Jeffrey Chapman

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Prosecutors say they aren't opposed to Jeffrey Chapman covering his tattoo, but Barton County's sheriff says he's against transporting Chapman to a licensed tattoo facility — the only places tattoo artists are allowed to practice under Kansas law.

The Great Bend Tribune reports Chapman's trial is scheduled to start Monday in the November 2011 killing of Damon Galliart, whose body was found by hunters in a roadside ditch southwest of Great Bend.

Chapman's attorney says in a motion the tattoo would be extremely prejudicial if seen by a jury.

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Kansas man wants his “murder” <b>tattoo</b> covered up before his murder <b>...</b>

Posted: 22 Apr 2014 05:01 PM PDT

Posted on: 7:01 pm, April 22, 2014, by , updated on: 08:41pm, April 22, 2014

MILWAUKEE (WITI) — Before he goes on trial for first degree murder, a Kansas man wants a professional tattoo artist to remove or cover a tattoo on his neck that reads: "Murder."

Jeffrey Wade Chapman (Photo Courtesy

Jeffrey Wade Chapman (Photo Courtesy

According to the Great Bend, Kansas Tribune (, Jeffrey Wade Chapman's attorney has filed a motion asking that Chapman's tattoo not be seen or mentioned during his trial.

He is charged with first degree murder in the 2011 death of a man whose body was found by hunters.

A motion filed by Chapman's attorney says Chapman has "secured a licensed tattoo artist" to come to the jail to cover up this tattoo.

His attorney says if the judge or jury were to view or have knowledge of this tattoo, it would be prejudicial against Chapman.

CLICK HERE for much more on this story via

From <b>Tattoos</b> To Music With ::vtol:: - Your EDM

Posted: 22 Apr 2014 06:22 PM PDT


As an avid music nerd that also happens to love tattoos, I was stoked when the creative audiophiles over at ::vtol:: introduced their Reading My Body machine that makes music out of tattoos. That's right; the invention scans over the ink to create a sort of improvised ambient industrial composition. Movements of the hand/arm also help to contribute to the multi-dimensional music making process that involves sensors, a motor and even a Wii remote. The result is not a "song" in the general sense of the term, but what these guys managed to pull off its quite awesome; musically, it is very trippy and out there. This contraption could work wonders in scoring parts of movies. Check out the gadget and if you like what you see, head over to their website, because they have a lot of nifty stuff over there!

::vtol:: "reading my body" from ::vtol:: on Vimeo.

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