Friday 25 April 2014

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Tattoo Removal Cream | <b>Tattoo Removal Cream</b> – An Affordable and Painless Option

<b>Tattoo Removal Cream</b> – An Affordable and Painless Option

Posted: 09 Apr 2014 12:46 AM PDT

If you want to remove your tattoo somehow or other, there are several solutions available. Most of the tattoo removal options require expensive and painful surgeries. Some options leave behind an awful scar, and some may damage your skin. Before trying out any medical solutions, most people would want to consider the non-surgical home treatments.

There are many types of home treatments you can try such as using acid peeling, fading cream, infrared coagulation, chemical extraction, etc. The most popular and inexpensive method is the tattoo removal cream. It is a tattoo fading system that uses a combination of cream and gel together with a handheld medical device for skin exfoliation.

You can't expect your tattoo to disappear in overnight. Tattoo removal cream is a method that requires prolonged treatment as it relies on the natural skin cells regeneration cycles to get rid of the unwanted tattoo. The fading process involves exfoliation of the outer skin layer, breaking away color pigments and removal of the ink remnants. It will take at least 2 months to fade away a simple tattoo or a much longer period for a complicated one. The fading duration is determined by the size of the tattoo, colors and concentration of the ink, density of the skin, and depth of the ink pigments embedded underneath the skin surface.

Most of the removal methods using cream work the same way in principle. They are effective and safe to use. Usually the fading cream will not cause any irritation to your skin or leave behind any scar. You can even ink a new tattoo on the same spot.

If you really want to get rid of your tattoo, I would recommend checking out the Wrecking Balm tattoo removal cream.

(Copyright Steve Wong) - Tattoo removal cream is usually the first option most people will try before seeking any medical solution. Check out the Wrecking Balm tattoo removal system.

<b>Tattoo Removal Cream</b> | Find Tattoos

Posted: 16 Apr 2014 08:44 AM PDT

tattoo removal cream | Find Tattoos
HomeTattoo Removal CreamTattoo Removal Cream

Tattoo Off <b>Tattoo Removal Cream</b>

Posted: 19 Apr 2014 12:39 AM PDT

If you have a tattoo, then you know that they can be enchanting works of art that can make a powerful statement about who you are to the entire world. There is a chance, though, that you will eithergrow tired of having art inked onto your body or will want to start over and try again with a new design. If this is you, then removing a tattoo is probably your best course of action. This article describes how to do just that with Tattoo Off tattoo removal cream.

The Basics of Tattoo Removal

We may take tattoo removal for granted today, but it wasn't always an option. If you got a tattoo in the past, then it was yours forever. This is no longer the case. There are several methods you can choose from to remove tattoos.

Laser surgery is probably the most well-known way to remove a tattoo, but it can be very painful, not to mention prohibitively expensive for many. Another choice is actual medical surgery, involving cutting out the skin with the tattoo and replacing it with skin grafts. You can imagine how painful and dangerous this procedure can be. The third alternative to these is with a cream that is designed to fade away a tattoo without pain, scarring, or other injury.

If this third option intrigues you, keep reading.

Tattoo Off Tattoo Removal Cream

We don't usually think of tattoos when we picture creams. Most of us think of athlete's foot or a bad rash, and don't realize that a cream can actually make a tattoo disappear. To understand this more fully, we'll talk about a specific brand of cream called Tattoo Off.

Tattoo Cream? Does it work?

Indeed it does! Tattoo Off is world-famous for its innovative two-step process that works beautifully for any tattoo you could possibly come up with.

Within weeks, if you follow their directions, you too can be rid of your art forever. All you have to do is follow the simple two steps below:
Getting past the skin- The first step in the process is to use an all-natural formula with aloe and other healthy ingredients to penetrate the skin above your tattoo, soothing your skin and giving it healthy nutrients to maintain the surface so that you don't damage your skin in the process. Not only is this noninvasive; it's hypoallergenic too!
Getting rid of the ink- The second step is the key to the process: removing that stubborn ink. No matter what type of ink is in your body, Tattoo Off can take care of it by attacking the molecules. This is key because the ink has to be dealt with for a lasting solution.

In conclusion, if you want a brand of removal cream that is bio-friendly, non-abrasive, effective, and healthy for your skin, then you cannot go wrong with Tattoo Off. If you want your tat gone for good – the right way – then get your own supply of Tattoo Off today.

Discover more about the tattoo removal cream choices available today and how tattoo off tattoo removal cream works to finally rid you of those old tattoos.

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<b>Tattoo Removal Cream</b> | Dermasal Tattoo Removal <b>...</b> - Your Tattoos

Posted: 14 Apr 2014 03:11 AM PDT

Tattoos are incredibly diverse and can range from simple to complex, from plain to colorful, and from tame and normal to bold and daring. No matter what they are, though, they have one thing in common: they're permanent. Or are they? This article discusses how to remove tattoos and explains one method in particular: Dermasal tattoo removal cream.

How to Remove a Tattoo the Wrong Way

Fortunately, there are a plethora of ways you can use to get rid of tattoos. Unfortunately, most of them have tons of disadvantages. Below you will see a few examples of what not to use to disappear your tattoos from your body:

Lasers - Laser removal procedures are very popular in this country for many different parts of the body, but your skin should not be one of them. Laser removal is often painful and expensive and can take weeks for recovery.

Skin Peels - Chemical peels (called dermapeels) can be just as bad due to the harsh and abrasive chemicals that are used. These procedures can take a lot of your precious time and can really damage your skin over time – plus they usually don't make the tattoo go completely away.

Surgery - If you have to have surgery for your tat removal, then you are truly desperate! Surgery is expensive, harmful, and extremely painful, not to mention the long recovery time it takes for your grafted skin to grow back. You should pass on this option at all costs.

Reading that probably discouraged you, but fear not. There are better ways to get rid of your tattoo. Tattoo removal creams are cheap, easy, and effective ways to vanish a tat, without the bad side-effects listed above.

Dermasal Tattoo Removal Cream: The Right Choice

Creams really do offer those convenient advantages lacking in the more widespread ways of tat removal. Dermasal is especially known for being effective and harmless and able to relieve you of your tat burden without discomfort. How does it do this?

It may seem like the process is too simple to be effective, but don't be fooled. The three step process has been proven to erase those tattoos with a potent combination of a Soothing Agent (to soothe and fortify the skin), a Topical Solution (to dissolve the ink molecules themselves), and a Protectant Gel (to protect your skin and make it healthier). This is all accomplished swiftly without the need for recovery of any kind.

What really sets Dermasal apart from its competitors is its promise that you will start to see results almost immediately – within one week. Within three months, with regular and diligent application, you will see your tattoo gone. All of this is accomplished without lasers, harsh chemicals, or knives, all in the comfort of your own home. What more do you need?

The bottom line is simple: Superior results require superior products. If you desire this solution to your needs, then Dermasal tattoo removal cream is clearly the right choice for you.

Discover more about the tattoo removal cream choices available today and how dermasal tattoo removal cream works to finally rid you of those old tattoos.

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