Sunday, 27 April 2014

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Tattoo laser Removal | <b>Tattoo</b> Boo Boo?? | Jacksonville FL | Southside FL

<b>Tattoo</b> Boo Boo?? | Jacksonville FL | Southside FL

Posted: 16 Apr 2014 10:38 AM PDT

Tattoo Boo-Boo

Amanda's husband Mike wants her to remove the tattoo that reads,"Amanda loves Bob".

Steve wants a job as a state trooper but is not permitted to have tattoos that are visible.

Jane always has to cover her neck tattoo in meetings with her boss and clients.

One in 5 Americans has a tattoo but many regret their decision.  They want to have them removed but the conventional tattoo removal laser offers an average of 10-20 treatments, 2-3 months apart, and it can be painful with a risk of scarring.  With a new breakthrough technology in laser tattoo removal, the tattoo boo-boo can disappear with the PicosureTM laser.

The PicosureTM laser is the world's first picosecond laser for safe and effective removal of tattoo.  This FDA approved laser treats tattoo with an average of 4.2 treatments 4-6 weeks apart.  Conventional tattoo lasers use many wavelengths to target each different color in a tattoo and the resulting heat can damage surrounding tissue leading to risk of scarring.  The PicosureTM laser uses photomechanical pressure to blast the ink dyes into tiny particles that are safely absorbed from the skin.  This laser does not create surrounding heat so there is less a chance of scarring.  Because it is so effective at treating pigment dyes there are less treatment sessions leading to lower costs.  The PicosureTM laser is great at removing old tattoos that conventional lasers were not able to treat effectively.

Southside Dermatology is proud to offer this innovative technology.

Please call us at




to schedule your free PicosureTM laser consultation.


Category: Uncategorized



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